We strive to be a place where: God is praised, lives are changed, needs are met, and friends are made!


The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,

And saves such as have a contrite spirit

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit 


Psalm 34:18

GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close.  GriefShare features biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics.  Please join us for the next GriefShare session. 

Call (409)727-6255 to register for the next session beginning on September 6, 2017.

GriefShare will meet 13 Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

                   September 6- November 15, 2017                                        November 29- December 6, 2017

A special "Surviving the Holidays" will be planned with participants.                      

Call Nn(409)727-6255 to register for the next sessions which will begin again September 6, 2017.

The group will meet on                                                     Wednesday nights at 7:00,                                              September 6- November 15, 2017 and                              November 29-December 6, 2017. 

A special "Surviving the Holidays" meeting will be planned with participants in December, 2017.

Call (409)727-6255 to register for the next sessions which will begin again September 6, 2017.

The group will meet on                                                     Wednesday nights at 7:00,                                              September 6- November 15, 2017 and                              November 29-December 6, 2017. 

A special "Surviving the Holidays" meeting will be planned with participants in December, 2017.

Your journey from mourning to joy!